
Nishil Drinking Tea at Ceremony

Why You Must Experience a Japanese Tea Ceremony

So often, it is the unexpected travel experiences that leave the biggest impact on us; This was the case for me when visiting Japan. I never expected the tea ceremony I signed up for in Kyoto to have such a profound impact on the way I live my life today, but many years later, it still stands out as of the best things I did in the country.

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Orang Pagoda Sitting behind a forest of trees

Tokyo or Kyoto?

Visiting Japan was an absolute dream trip for me, and it still stands as one of my favorite countries in the world. If you plan to visit Japan (and I hope you do), chances are you will heavily debate whether you should prioritize Tokyo or Kyoto in your itinerary. While both cities are worth a visit, I personally preferred one over the other.

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A boat with lanterns sits facing a yellow house in Hoi An

The Ultimate 3-Day Hoi An Itinerary

Hoi An is my favorite city in the world. The look and feel of the city’s ancient town make it unique from many other cities I have visited. While you could spend endless time just enjoying all that this fascinating city has to offer, three days is the ideal amount of time to get a good feel for Hoi An. This 3-day itinerary is perfect if you are into slow travel and wish to embrace the best aspects of this city!

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Tokyo streets as people cross

2 Days in Tokyo: The Perfect Itinerary

No trip to Japan is complete without visiting its most famous capital-Tokyo! Tokyo is a diverse and historical city that has something for everyone. Home to beautiful shrines, incredible technology, and lively nightlife. endless restaurants, and old school alleys, Tokyo is sure to keep you entertained. While there is plenty to see and do in the city, two nights is the perfect amount of time to explore its main attractions. This two-day Tokyo Itinerary will guide you through some of the main attractions and neighborhoods of the city!

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Sensoji Temple with backdrop of Tokyo

The Absolute Perfect 12 Day Japan Itinerary

Making a Japan itinerary can be extremely challenging, in large part because there is so much to see and explore! That being said, Japan’s train system is so efficient and incredible, that a lot can be covered in a short time. This 12-day Itinerary will show you a diverse array of what Japan has to offer. You will visit some of Japan’s major cities, learn about the country’s culture and history, explore the country’s beautiful rural areas, and embark on a peaceful and educational retreat.

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The Donation Project in Laos

The day before I departed from the city, I asked D-One if he wanted to meet up for some drinks. We hung out and had a great time socializing in a non-tourist and tour guide kind of way. As the night concluded, I decided to take a flyer and ask him if he wanted to work with me to help donate some money to his country. He wholeheartedly agreed, and eventually, we crafted a plan to help kids in an impoverished village.

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Nishil and Kids make funny face during donation project

How To Live a Better Life

Backpacking in Southeast Asia quite literarily was a life-changing trip for me. This trip was meaningful not just because of all the things I saw, the food I ate, and the bucket list items I checked off, but rather the lessons I learned during the experience. In fact, after leaving the region, I felt like I had found the secret sauce to a meaningful, purposeful, and happier life. Here are three important lessons I learned and how they created the formula for a better life.

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The Perfect 3 Week Vietnam Itinerary

As it stands, Vietnam is one of my favorite countries in the world. The country is host to stunning landscapes, rich cultures, moving history, and amazing people. It may appear small on a world map, but Vietnam requires no less than 3 weeks to experience it fully. Here is the your ultimate south to north 3 week Vietnam itinerary.

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Ker Thitham: Fill Their Cup Too

On my last day in Luang Prabang, Ker did something that will forever be one of the most incredible things I’ve seen on any of my travel journeys. How did a person, who sleeps on a bench, making 33 cents an hour, with no time to study,, and a desperate desire to get his family out of extreme poverty, find the heart to lend his time and money to a stranger who he knew was financially better off than himself?

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Ha Giang Loop

Ha Giang Loop and Cheers Hostel Guide

The Ha Giang Loop is an incredibly scenic multi-day motorbike loop located in the north-most part of Vietnam. Within this loop resides many of Vietnam’s most unique tribes and cultures. The loop is an incredible way to experience the scenic beauty of Vietnam, while learning about the hill-tribal culture in the North.  

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