
The Gibbon Experience: Your Next Coolest Travel Adventure

The Gibbon Experience is a once in a lifetime jungle living opportunity. Gibbons are small apes that are scattered all over the Nam Kan National Park. Many people think the experience is all about Gibbon sightings, but there is so much more to it. After returning from this incredible adventure, you will have a different perspective of the jungle. By living in the world’s tallest treehouses, ziplining to destinations, and trekking through the national park, you will get to experience the jungle from different vantage points during different parts of the day

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What I Learned From the People of Vietnam

Getting to meet the Vietnamese people was one of the highlights of my entire life. I quit my job to backpack across South East Asia and getting the time that I did with the local people of Vietnam was life-changing enough to justify this entire experience. These people blew my mind and the more time I spent with them, the more I could feel myself changing. As much as I loved the backpacking social life, I found myself slowly passing on hostel happy hours, bar crawls and social gatherings, in favor of local interactions. I became obsessed with spending as much time with the Vietnamese as possible and learning from their way of life.

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