Giving Back

Posts related to donation and giving back to the world

The Donation Project in Laos

The day before I departed from the city, I asked D-One if he wanted to meet up for some drinks. We hung out and had a great time socializing in a non-tourist and tour guide kind of way. As the night concluded, I decided to take a flyer and ask him if he wanted to work with me to help donate some money to his country. He wholeheartedly agreed, and eventually, we crafted a plan to help kids in an impoverished village.

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Nishil and Kids make funny face during donation project

How To Live a Better Life

Backpacking in Southeast Asia quite literarily was a life-changing trip for me. This trip was meaningful not just because of all the things I saw, the food I ate, and the bucket list items I checked off, but rather the lessons I learned during the experience. In fact, after leaving the region, I felt like I had found the secret sauce to a meaningful, purposeful, and happier life. Here are three important lessons I learned and how they created the formula for a better life.

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