Natural Sights

T.J. Takes in the views of the Vicentina Coast

The World’s Best Tour? All About the West Coast Adventure Co. in Portugal

It’s hard to proclaim anything as the world’s best without experiencing everything in the world but of all the day tours I have taken on my travels, The West Coast Adventure Co. tour that my Fiancé and I took in Portugal, still stands as one of the most amazing tours we have ever taken. Here is why visiting Lagos, Portugal is worth it simply for this tour!

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A wide angle shot of Nishil with his hands out at Zabriskie Point

The Ultimate Guide to Death Valley

Death Valley may be one of the planet’s most unworldly places. A quick drive through the park, and you feel like you have arrived on Mars. Prior to visiting, I didn’t have high expectations for this national park, but Death Valley turned out to be one of my favorite stops on my campervan road trip. Here is your ultimate guide for exploring the park!

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3 tourists stand on top of a sand dune as the sun rises behind them

10 Reasons to Visit Morocco

Morocco will surprise you in ways you never expected. This country has a special way of stimulating all of your senses. The sight of the souks, the sounds of the morning prayer, the feel of the sand, the smell of bread, and the taste of harissa, will stick in your memory forever. While you may expect to leave this country only remembering its major cities (Fes and Marrakesh), you may be surprised at the things you ended up loving over here.

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10 Things You Must Do In Scotland

Incredible hikes, scenic views, mid-evil cities, and ice cold scotch; Scotland has a ton to offer you. The gloomy year-round weather can scare people away from making this trip (It almost did so for me) but Scotland is an underrated beauty of Europe and the world.

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Posing for a Go-Pro picture as the Microlight flight hovers in front of the Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls Microlight Flight: A Surreal Experience

I could see a large white smoke cloud in the air and didn’t need an explanation from the pilot to know where it was we were headed. You are unable to see the falls as you approach it but you sure as hell can sense it’s presence. It was almost as if it was daring you to come feel its wrath. Challenge accepted.

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