
What I Learned From the People of Vietnam

Getting to meet the Vietnamese people was one of the highlights of my entire life. I quit my job to backpack across South East Asia and getting the time that I did with the local people of Vietnam was life-changing enough to justify this entire experience. These people blew my mind and the more time I spent with them, the more I could feel myself changing. As much as I loved the backpacking social life, I found myself slowly passing on hostel happy hours, bar crawls and social gatherings, in favor of local interactions. I became obsessed with spending as much time with the Vietnamese as possible and learning from their way of life.

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Why You Should Add a Marathon to Your Life Bucket List

It was a slow Wednesday at work and my brain was churning as I brainstormed for new experiences I could embark on in my life. Then, the idea hit me. I texted my girlfriend and said “I will take you to Disney World if you agree to run a marathon with me. You in? Yes or no?” Within 24 hours, we took a leap of faith and booked our marathon without much consideration. Despite never running before, she agreed to running this 26.2 mile race because she always wanted to see Disney World; But me, Why did I suggest and commit to this idea? What turned an ordinary boring Wednesday into a full on commitment to completing a runners ultimate goal?

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