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How To Live a Better Life

Backpacking in Southeast Asia quite literarily was a life-changing trip for me. This trip was meaningful not just because of all the things I saw but also because of the lessons I learned during the experience. In fact, after leaving the region, I felt like I had found the secret sauce to a meaningful, purposeful, and happier life. Here are three important lessons I learned and how they created the formula for a better life.

Lesson 1- Happiness Rests In the Mind

Possibly the biggest takeaway I got from my backpacking trip came during my meditation retreat in Thailand. During this retreat, I learned that practically everything we experience and feel originates in our minds. Sitting in silence for seven days showed that the concept of being content and happy is not something that is attained in life, but rather something that rests within us. Happiness is a function of the way our minds process what is happening around us. Understand this process, and you begin to have more control over the outcomes you experience.

Meditation is the best way to better understand your mind. It is, without a doubt, a slow process, but the more you meditate and observe how your mind works, the more control you will have over the way you feel; As you do this, you will discover ways to become more accepting, happy, and content. Rather than perusing an endless rat race of items, and luxury, you will slowly transform into a person that can find the best in whatever they have.

Lesson 1: Everything, including happiness, starts with the mind.

vipassana meditation chiang mai
Learned some valuable lessons during my meditation retreat

Lesson 2- Money is a Resource

I have always believed that money does not equal happiness, but that doesn’t mean it is not an important resource in our world. Just like water and food, everyone needs money to survive. I recognized how valuable every dollar was when I observed the prices of items in Southeast Asia. For just a dollar, a healthy meal could be bought for a child. For the cost of a drink at a bar, a student could purchase several educational books. For the cost of a hotel, a young adult could be put through college! The point? A hard-earned dollar can do a lot of good in the world. As soon as I discovered this, I vowed to analyze my expenditures more closely. Up until this trip, I had always spent money in relation to my budget and my income. Now, however, I saw things differently. I realized money should not be spent based on what I have, but rather what I need. Do I need that first-class ticket or an upgrade to a hotel, or will I be content without it? If I feel like I need it, I am free to buy it, but if I don’t, why waste a valuable world resource? (The below video is one of my all-time favorites and does a great job highlighting how we can become more efficient with our money) 

Lesson 2: Spend because you feel it is important, not because you have the money.

Lesson 3- Giving Makes the World a Better Place

After completing my first donation project in Laos and retooling a village school with books and sports equipment, I experienced one of life’s most powerful synergies- giving to others. Giving to others makes every party involved feel happier and better about their lives. It is one of life’s biggest win-win actions. Giving benefits all parties involved. It can help make someone’s life better while also providing something for yourself. We don’t have to shy away from the selfish aspect of how it makes us feel because, in the end, it is the most practical action we can take. Giving makes the happiness pie in the world bigger.

Lesson 3: Giving what you have is the biggest win/win In life

A school receives their new equipment and tools as part of a charity project in Laos
A sucesfull donation project

The Formula to Live a Better Life

Putting it all together now-These three lessons can be used to lead a better life. Here is how:

  1. Working on your mind through meditation and mindfulness can help you become more content and happy 
  2. The more content you are, the less you will need in life to feel satisfied 
  3. The less you will need in life, the more resources you will have
  4. The more resources you have, the more you can offer others
  5. The more you offer others, the more you help yourself and others achieve happiness

While the above may sound simple on paper, it is of course, not easy to implement. I, myself, am not perfect at any of the above steps. I’m not a meditation expert, I still waste money, and I still give less than I could be. That being said, the steps above can be considered a goal and path to living life. You may deviate from it at times, but bring yourself back and continue to work on these steps.

I hope this post helps change the way you live your life! 

Nishil and Kids make funny face during donation project
A true win-win in life

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nitin

    That is profound Nishil. What you have said is key to happiness. What I would do is pick up a cause and keep at it for decades! As the years roll by you will feel that you have done something special on this planet.The trick is to not give up but also pace yourself so as not to have a born out.
    Nitin Fuva

  2. Anonymous

    Always what you give or help others but always remember when others kinds with you!!
    Father said.

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