When you hear Southeast Asia, you often think of backpackers. The region is known as the backpacking hub and is often the recommended destination for travelers looking to experience backpacking. But is it truly worth it? Is a Southeast Asia backpacking trip worth uprooting your life for? No sugar coating here- It 100% is! Here is why:
1. The People
The people are some of the nicest and most humble people in the world, period. Almost every traveler I met in this region was as obsessed as I was with the hospitality, kindness, and generosity of the Southeast Asian community.

2. The Ease
Whether this is your first backpacking trip or your 10th, you will no doubt appreciate the ease of traveling throughout Southeast Asia. There are plenty of busses, trains, hostels, etc throughout the region, which makes traveling a lot less stressful.
3. The Perspective
If you decide on a big life move like backpacking, you want to get something meaningful out of it; Something life-changing. Observing the locals and their way of life in this region will bring a lot of perspective to your own life. I changed several life habits after returning from Southeast Asia, and feel as though I have a better understanding of the world because of my trip.
4. The Lessons
I learned more in 2 months of backpacking in Southeast Asia than I probably did in the past few years of my life. I’m not talking about textbook learning but rather real-life lessons. Learning about hard work and the value of money, meditation and keeping calm, kindness and generosity, and so much more. In some senses, I considered this trip my version of a life masters degree.

5. The Cost
Let’s be honest, one of the toughest parts about backpacking is sustaining yourself for months without any income or job. Luckily, Southeast Asia is probably one of the cheapest destinations in the world. You can easily get by spending $30 a day, which is cheaper than almost any other part of the world!
6. The Cuisine
Whether you are vegetarian/vegan or not, Southeast Asia has some amazing food to offer. Who doesnt love some spicy Thai curry, or a hot plate of pad thai!

7. The Food Saftey
A big worry about traveling to non-western countries is the horror stories about getting sick from food, especially street food. While standards are not as high as in western world, I will say that there should be no fear of eating street food in this region. The cleanliness standards seem to be much higher than in other parts of Asia such as India. I ate street food almost every day and did not get sick during the entirety of my stay. All this being said, you should still use common sense and caution when purchasing any food.
8. The General Safety
Solo traveling, especially for women, can seem scary at times. Luckily Southeast Asia is incredibly safe. I talked to many solo female travelers, all of whom expressed how safe they felt in the region. Never once during my travels, did I feel worried or threatened by the people around me.
9. The Beauty
When we travel, we, of course, want to see incredible things. Southeast Asia has almost everything you could want to see during a trip. Stunning paradise islands, beautiful temples, skyscrapers, jungles, mountains, waterfalls, cities, and so much more. You name it, and Southeast Asia probably has it!

Southeast Asia may very well be my favorite destination in the world. It is affordable, beautiful, and most importantly, has incredible culture and people. There is almost nothing negative I have to say about the region, and I hope everyone finds a time in their lives where they are able to explore it in depth.